Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Protecting hearing and preventing hearing loss

According to ISHN, hearing loss is the most common work-related illness.  It's estimated that each year, 22 million United States workers are exposed to hazardous levels of noise.  By developing a hearing loss prevention program, companies can reduce this risk.

Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common work-related illness in the United States. Each year, an estimated 22 million U.S. workers encounter noise exposures loud enough to be potentially hazardous. In addition to damaging workers' quality of life, occupational hearing loss can carry a high economic price to society.

What are the Risk Factors?

Occupational hearing loss occurs as a result of workers' exposure to loud noise. In fact, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that workers should not be exposed to noise at a level that amounts to more than 85 decibels (dBA) for 8 hours. The level of risk is influenced by several factors:
  • Noise level – as noise level increases, the risk also increases
  • Duration of exposure – the longer the noise lasts, the more hazardous it becomes
  • Impulsiveness – noises that have very abrupt starts and stops (such as hammering, gunfire, or fireworks) are more dangerous than constant noise of the same overall level
  • Intermittency – periods of relative quiet between exposures allow the ear to "rest" and reduce the risk
To read more click here.